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Monday, July 31, 2023

Time for Renewal!

Hello to all!

Da's Crochet Connection was started in 2014 and is ready for Renewal.

I have just retired after teaching High School History for the past 17 years and my plans are to travel and crochet!

I will be working on projects (at home and while I travel), creating patterns, trying my hand at dying some yarn, and sharing my experiences with you.

But first I felt it was time to make some changes. I started by reorganizing my creative workspace. I have made changes to my workspace over the years, but this change has helped me to be more organized by labeling and creating an inventory of my yarn stash, as well as organizing and creating an inventory of my crochet hooks. 

I made inventory sheets for my crochet hooks and yarn, if you would like to make an inventory of your yarn and crochet hooks, just click on the PDFs below.

It took me 2 days to clean out my stash, make the inventory sheets and take inventory. Yes, that seems like a long time, but I think it will be better in the long run. I noticed that I had many skins of one color, so I must have kept buying that color. With the inventory I will be able to check my yarn stash quickly, so I do not over buy too many of one color.

Next, I felt that Da's Crochet Connection needs to go through a renewal process. I have currently taken down all the blog posts and patterns. Da’s will get a new name, a new URL, a different layout, and some new pictures. There will still be free patterns, as I am working on revising and refreshing the patterns I have previously posted. Some of the patterns will be worked with new yarns, revised and reposted. There will be some new designs that I can't wait to share with you!

Making changes is a challenge but can also be a new beginning! This is what I am planning, a new beginning with my crochet, crochet patterns, and crochet blog. 

I would like to make this a fun crochet place. So, if there are things you would like to see posted or patterns you would like to see added back to the blog, please let me know in the comments below as your constructive input would be welcome.

The web address for this blog will be changing on October 1, 2023, from: to 

Please make a note of the new web address, so you won't miss out on any new free patterns!

Please pass on this information to other crocheters 


Thank you for your time and patience as I work to renew the Blog!


  1. Love your coasters……please add them to your new website🙃

  2. Nice job on your renewed blog. Looking forward to seeing all your new crochet creations!
